Tips and Tricks in doing Presentation


A. Giving your Presentation
Communicate your enthusiam to the audience if you want them to be enthusiastic about the ideas you present.

Standing stiffly, with only little animation in your body, and speaking in a monotone voice without good eye contact is a sure way to deliver a speech that is a dud. We communicate with much more than words. Your nonverbal actions carry your feelings. If these channels get out off because off anxiety, your interaction and rapport with the audience will suffer.

B. Body Language, Eye Contact, and Voice Quality

1.      Basic Body Language for making presentation making :
·         Use open body stance
Stand straightly, and always face the audience directly. Occasionally take a step or two towards the audience for emphasis or to receive a question. Stop stractching, control nervousness, look confident, avoid putting your weight on one leg.
·         Employ hand gestures for emphasis only
Let your hands rest at your side, relaxed and use them only for emphasis. Don't put them in your pocket, behind your back, or fold them in front of you. Don't play with the pointer or hold anything else in your hands. Move your arms whenever is relevant, don't look lifeless.
·         Use of pointer (or hand)
Often you will need to point out a part of your visual aid. You can do this either with your hand or a pointer but always :
Ø  Stand to the side of the visual
Ø  Touch the point of focus
Ø  Turn to the audience
Ø  Describe it

2.      Eye Contact :
Ø  Eye sweep through-out the talk.
Ø  Watch for the reaction of your audience in their eyes
Ø  Effective use of the eyes will enable a speak to control his audience (Speak with your eyes)
Ø  Look at the people you are talking to, it will help them to listen better.
Ø  Use your eyes and a posture of authority.

3.      Voice Quality
The single most important piece of equipment you will be using is your voice. Like eye contact and body language, your voice can communicate confidence, enthusiasm, and so on. Voice Quality can be improved through efficient breathing (nervousness causes shortness of breath), pacing, stress, and intonation.

DO :
·         Speak to the farthest audience from you
·         Use pauses to control your message and the audience
·         Emphasize key words and phrases vocally

·         Memorize everything you are going to say
·         Rush through your presentation because you don't have enough time
·         Speak to the visual aid
·         Speak from the notes

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